FK Irons takes the Spektra FLUX to the MAX

For its time, the original FK Irons Spektra FLUX was futuristic as F*$%. It not only gave artists the freedom to go fully wireless, but also pair it with their phones via the DarkLab app to enable “eGive”. This eliminated the need to crack open the machine to manually adjust the give like it was 1985…
The sequel, aka the all new FLUX MAX, takes another leap forward by light years as it’s FK Iron’s first machine featuring state-of-the-art technology that “learns” how you work. The Flux MAX senses how you tattoo, adapts and optimises for a smoother tattooing experience; from the type of ink, to the tip/needle, to the level of pressure you apply and your choice of settings.
The Flux Max has a new built-in menu and digital display with features and settings that are hands-on and can be adjusted directly on the machine for maximum control. Choose your settings, apply eGive, check battery life, and select your power level in either volts or hertz for improved accuracy, going as low as 4V/66HZ.
Speaking of more control, the new FK Irons PowerBolt II also lets you adjust your voltage by 0.5 or 0.1 to really drill down to your sweet spot - “Great Scott!”
Flux MAX vs Flux
Here’s a side by side comparison of how the FLUX MAX and FLUX differ: