Fusion Ink


Series: Ben Kaye Signature Palette
Size: 2 oz
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Product Description

Fusion Ink Ben Kaye Signature Palette Pearl.

We do our best to provide high quality photos of each colour, but every computer has its own personality, so please note colours may vary slightly from screen to screen.


The Artist behind the Series

who the F@$K is...

Ben Kaye

"Hey, I’m Ben Kaye, I’ve been tattooing for 11 years. I’m a co-owner of Ship Shape Tattoo in beautiful New Zealand. Tattooing is my life and honour and I don’t mean that in a light way, honour. This trade has taken me around the world, allowed me to meet and befriend some of the most interesting people, and support my wife and two kids.

I'm a realistic tattooist but I don’t feel limited by that. I don’t feel like every piece I do has to be photo realistic, or even one set style. I’ve used Fusion Ink exclusively for 6-7 years and it genuinely changed my game; the flexibly of the colour for mixing muted tones, vibrant solid shadows or just solid bright tones." - Ben Kaye

10-colour Signature Palette

About This Set

"I have a few colours I pour for every tattoo; Forest Green for muting warms, Dark Magenta for making vibrant warm shadows, Dark Matter for off black tones, Pearl and Banoffee for off white mixes, Burnt Caramel because it's just badass and Purple Haze for the same reason. Whatever the tattoo is, those mixing colours are out and ready to go. Fusion's Power Black is liquid gold! Smooth solid black." - Ben Kaye

Get Inspired...

The Artist's Portfolio

To see Ben's full portfolio click the link below and give his Instagram page a follow. Additional work and prints can be found at Ship Shape


Product Safety

You can find Fusion Ink's SDS/MSDS Information HERE.


The Artist behind the Series

The Artist

Ben Kaye

"Hey, I’m Ben Kaye, I’ve been tattooing for 11 years. I’m a co-owner of Ship Shape Tattoo in beautiful New Zealand. Tattooing is my life and honour and I don’t mean that in a light way, honour. This trade has taken me around the world, allowed me to meet and befriend some of the most interesting people, and support my wife and two kids.

I'm a realistic tattooist but I don’t feel limited by that. I don’t feel like every piece I do has to be photo realistic, or even one set style. I’ve used Fusion Ink exclusively for 6-7 years and it genuinely changed my game; the flexibly of the colour for mixing muted tones, vibrant solid shadows or just solid bright tones." - Ben Kaye

The Ink

About This Set

"I have a few colours I pour for every tattoo; Forest Green for muting warms, Dark Magenta for making vibrant warm shadows, Dark Matter for off black tones, Pearl and Banoffee for off white mixes, Burnt Caramel because it's just badass and Purple Haze for the same reason. Whatever the tattoo is, those mixing colours are out and ready to go. Fusion's Power Black is liquid gold! Smooth solid black." - Ben Kaye

the art

The Artist's Portfolio

To see Ben's full portfolio click the link below and give his Instagram page a follow. Additional work and prints can be found at Ship Shape

SDS/MSDS Information

Product Safety

You can find Fusion Ink's SDS/MSDS Information HERE.

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About Fusion Ink

Fusion Ink™ has a much higher pigment load, resulting in saturated colours that outperform the average ink. Manufactured using organic pigments and ingredients that are completely vegan safe. Once you try Fusion, you will see and feel the difference in quality.

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