Friends Don’t Let Friends Freeze Their Ink...
Shipping tattoo ink in the winter months can be like playing a game of Russian roulette. Between prolonged extreme cold warnings and unpredictable snowstorms, you never know how your order's journey is gonna go. Here in Canada, we know this only too well, so we do what we can to help - EVERY ink order shipped between November 1st and March 31st, leaves the Eikon Warehouse packed with at least one FREE 72-hour heat pack. We've also got some handy tips you can follow to make sure your ink gets to you safely and unfrozen. Check out the video (We also recap the tips below).
Les mois d'hiver peut être considérée comme une partie de roulette russe. Entre les avertissements prolongés de froid extrême et les tempêtes de neige imprévisibles, vous ne savez jamais comment se déroulera le voyage de votre commande. Ici au Canada, nous le savons très bien, alors nous faisons ce que nous pouvons pour vous aider - CHAQUE commande d'encre expédiée entre le 1er novembre et le 31 mars quitte l'entrepôt Eikon avec au moins un pack chauffant GRATUIT de 72 heures. Nous avons également quelques conseils pratiques que vous pouvez suivre pour vous assurer que votre encre vous parvienne en toute sécurité et non gelée. Regardez la vidéo (nous récapitulons également les conseils ci-dessous).
Tips For Avoiding Frozen Ink - Recap:
Make friends with your Meteorologist
Weather apps and the Weather Network can sometimes be your best friend. Use them. Keep an eye on the weather in the days leading up to your ink order and try to avoid shipping your ink order during, or just prior to an extreme cold warning.
💡Insider info: Companies like Eternal Ink take winter shipping seriously and won't ship us our order during an extreme cold warning. They want to ensure we get it safely, so we can get it to you safely.
Order Before Wednesday
Depending on where your shop is located in Canada, most Ground-Shipping orders take on average from 1-2 days* (Ontario and Quebec), 2+ days* (Saskatchewan, Manitoba) and 4+ days (Alberta and BC)*. Be sure to take this into consideration when placing an order that contains tattoo ink. If you place your order on Monday or Tuesday, in most provinces you’ll likely get you order before the weekend. Ordering your ink before Wednesday, greatly reduces the risk of having it sit in a cold UPS truck over the weekend.
🔥 Hot Tip: If you're placing an ink order later in the week and don't want it to ship until after the weekend, just drop our customer service team a line and they'll happily schedule a future ship date!
*Click HERE to see the time in transit for your shop

Use Express Shipping
Free Ground Shipping can be a thing of beauty unless of course, your ink freezes in transit... Consider paying for Express shipping when placing an order for tattoo ink in the winter months. The faster we can get your ink out of the cold and into your shop, the better. Most Express-Shipping options are so fast you'll be able to use our 72hr heat pack as a hand warmer long after your ink is on your shelf.
🔥 Hot Tip: UPS Express orders never sit on a cold truck, and if the order stops for any reason it's kept indoors.
Stay cool, and keep warm this winter.
For a list our of our full Shipping policies click HERE