The Glove Cost Calculator
The Glove Cost Calculator
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The Glove Cost Calculator

There have been many developments since we wrote the Purple is the New Black post. Since then, we’ve had to make our first price adjustment on Gloves in over 6 months – we thought it would be a good idea to go over some of the recent developments in the Nitrile Glove universe that affect you.

The Glove Cost Calculator


Before we start…

Let’s deal with the elephant in the room – we’ve adjusted the glove pricing in our store. Latex and Vinyl prices dropped. Nitrile went up $2 - $3 a box. Also, we’ve already heard from manufacturers that prices will likely increase at least once more in 2021.

We stand by our promise of keeping medical gloves in stock at all times so you will never have to worry about it.

For Artists in a Rush

Here’s what we cover in this blog:

  1. Eikon only sells medical-grade gloves.
  2. Think about “cost per glove” instead of “cost per box” to determine the best value.
  3. Price breakdown for all gloves available at Eikon.
  4. Interactive Cost Calculator
  5. What’s next...

The More You Know….

We don’t offer Industrial-Grade gloves (ie. food, sanitation) in our store because we believe they present risks that aren't worth taking.

Yes, there are cheaper alternatives in the market, but we chose not to carry those options as they don’t meet our standard. The gloves we offer Tattoo Artists must be Medical-Grade, period.

We’ll explore the differences between medical-grade vs. industrial-grade in a separate post later on. For now, Health Canada (our version of the FDA) provides stringent guidelines regarding the sale of medical gloves - you can learn more here.

The Cost Calculator

We asked ourselves a question:

“How can we make it as easy as possible to help artists make the most informed decisions about the gloves we offer?”

That’s how the calculator idea came to be. We need to take you through a couple of steps first, but we think this will help you compare apples to apples.

Cost per glove, not per box.

To compare apples to apples, we need to break down the cost per glove instead of per box.

The box price is misleading since some brands have 100, 150 and even 300 gloves per box. Thinking about gloves in terms of price per glove makes it easier to determine which brand is the most cost-effective, this is why we’ve broken it down for you that way on the table below - quick and painless.

Price per glove in Canadian Dollars

All brands listed below can be found in the Eikon Store.

The prices on the table are subject to change without notice.
For the most current pricing, please see the Eikon Store.
*Primed Vitality XL contains 130 gloves per box.

Price per glove in US Dollars

All brands listed below can be found in the Eikon Store.

The prices on the table are subject to change without notice.
For the most current pricing, please see the Eikon Store.

Calculate your per day glove cost

The question remains – what are the cheapest medical gloves you can buy right now?

Now that you’re considering prices per glove, simply reference the tables above to determine how much you’re paying for your preferred brand. Then, input the cost per glove into the calculator below to find out how much gloves are costing you per sit, or per day.

The result may help you decide which brand and/or type of glove is best for you...

Why are black gloves more expensive?

The medical industry and front-line workers have manufacturers’ full attention right now, and the production volume of gloves tailored to those two industries has skyrocketed – which is why purple gloves are cheaper.

It’s also one of the reasons we carry PriMED Vitality/Aspire Gloves. We have access to a healthy stock of gloves, produced as economically as possible through our partnership, while meeting all safety and regulatory guidelines.

Black medical-grade gloves are more expensive than other colours because black nitrile/latex gloves were classified as a specialty item and took a backseat in manufacturers’ production lines during the pandemic. We got into more depth on this topic in our earlier blog post.

The Bottom Line

Gloves are an essential item for you to keep working – when you can – and it’s why we take them so seriously.

This pandemic has thrown a monkey wrench in so many areas of our day-to-day – it hasn’t been easy, but we’ll continue to be true to our promise of keeping the products you need in stock so you can practice your art safely.

The glove manufacturing industry is starting to show minor signs of a positive turn. We’re hearing rumblings that new production lines are coming online soon. We don’t know what it means precisely, but rest assured, we’ll inform you of any changes that impact you and your shop.


The Eikon Team


COVID-19 Update (March 18th)


Helping Hands: Your Tattoo Gloves Are Needed Elsewhere