Hub City Tattoo Expo You Exceeded Expectations!
From day one, without any doubt, tattooers from all over Canada were excited to attend Hub City in Moncton. We usually arrive first, this is our motto, but this time you were here almost before us and we loved it! Early risers included Brad and Melissa Dawe… those hugs were long overdue and the smiles and funny jokes always make up for the long gaps between visits! It’s the way each and every artist is received while at Hub City!
All weekend, Rider Dawe ran the thermal copiers non-stop til they got hot! The tip jar was filled and Rider’s sweat was pissin’! LOL - true story, he held the fort tight and also needed some fans to cool the copiers down! Big cheers to you young sir!

Day two was a busy one! Moncton knew where to be that weekend! Paired with a ferris wheel outside, the new hall (like the old one) gave us a bright environment to enjoy.
Good ol’ Sailor Jerry Swallow came up with Jessie and was ramming up his signature tattoo on collectors to top off the weekend!
That night Winterbottom invited us to … Well, the Pump House, for a late night snack with Jerry and the gang. Sara Winterbottom even succeeded in scaring the server with two 42 oz beer jugs. Long story short, everything was fine by the end!

Day 3 was very much the same with excitement, tattoos and live country music. Sailor Jerry Swallow kept buzzin’, and a lot of flash sheets were exchanged which demonstrates the brotherhood and sisterhood of real tattoo connections.
We brought 3 stunning custom one-of-a-kind ES500s to accompany Brad’s trophies for the “Tattoo Of The Day. Each power supply was etched with Bry Simms’ artwork from the 2023 convention poster. This year the Tattoo of the Day awards went to:
DAY 1: @beckyoq - Rebecca O’Quinn
DAY 2: @julien_boudreau - Julien Boudreau
DAY 3: @jeremylamos - Jeremy Lamos
After 3 days of trying to get a late night meal (wings don't count) we ended up at The Keg where everyone knows your name... Wait, wrong tune, but The Keg was packed with convention workers who had patiently waited for this moment! Thank you Adam, Brian, Angie, Linden, Sylvanne and the rest of the table who I can't recall! We’re a little beat up after all that excitement.
To Brad, Melissa, Rider and the gang - THANK YOU a 1000000 times!
C’ya next year Moncton!