We’re Locked And Loaded For NIX 2023!

Come by and say “Hey!” - Rob, Patrick and Rebecca will be on hand at NIX 2023 to help you with all your tattooing needs during the show. Also keep an eye out for our roving videographer Nik, who’ll be tagging along all weekend!

The BEST Time To Check Out Our INK SHOPPE!
Our ONLINE Spring Ink Sale is ON!! Select inks and sets are 15% off but if you can pry yourself away from your screen, come by and check out the eye candy in person at our Ink Shoppe. You can score some deals there too cuz we’ll be NIX’ing the TAX all weekend long (See what we did there?). You may even find a few more bottles on sale to take advantage of deeper discounts.
Visiting artist? Working the show? Come by the booth, shake a few bottles and maybe score some savings on favourites or new additions from Eternal Ink, Solid Ink, Dermaglo, Fusion Ink and World Famous Ink!

The Power Station
Great power never goes out of style. Come get reacquainted with the EIKON ES500 power supply! Check out what this little dude has to offer in addition to Eikon’s trademark Clean Consistent Power… (and if it’s not trademarked, it should be). While you’re there, take advantage of show pricing… plus save the tax!
Looking for one of those “new-fangled” battery packs? Don't worry, we’ll have Critical, Bishop and FK Irons all ready for you to test drive. Bring your own machines over, or try out one of the many machines we’ll have with us on display.
Now that we have your attention, the NIX show organizers will be graciously providing Eikon STANDARD gloves to artists working the show all weekend long. If you’re working at NIX we’d love to hear what you think about them. Swing by our booth to let us know, and we’ll trade you 10% off your next Eikon Glove order for your feedback.

Eikon Convention Packs are BACK at NIX …With a NEW Look!
It's not a Canadian Convention without an Eikon convention pack patiently waiting for you in your booth. They may look a little different this year as we’ve finally scrapped those red plastic bags and gone with paper. We’ve also reduced the amount of plastic in the pack, and though we aren’t quite there yet, we’re working on it. Let us know what you think about our updated packs.
FREE SH*T: Hypafix & Cheyenne Capillary Cartridge Samples
We got our hands on some samples courtesy of Cheyenne and BSN Medical, the manufacturer of Hypafix. Pop by our booth at NIX 2023 and use the secret knock to score some free samples and give these products a test drive.

“Damian Donates” Silent Auction
As many of you know, back in 2020, the NIX family lost Damian Mcgrath the show's original organizer. As part of this year’s event Damian’s family will be holding a silent auction (on Instagram) with some proceeds going to a Veterans Services charity. Click the link below to learn more or head on over to the @damian_donates auction page and see if you can outbid Patrick on a few cool Sailor Jerry pieces.
Damian Donates
Have a great show, we can’t wait to see ya!!