Winnipeg Tattoo Convention - You Never Disappoint...
What a whirlwind of greatness! Strong words here I know, but it truly sums up the weekend that happened in mid-August in Winnipeg!
Tattoos in all their splendour were getting etched by an amazing roster of artists at the 2023 Winnipeg Tattoo Convention! Around 300 tattooers, from locals to a Spanish “tattooquistator” (yup, it’s a new word), came to celebrate tattooing. A few artists were able to finalize some large pieces they started last year, while others churned out new work all weekend long!
Many artists were returning for the first time since, you know 🫢…. Awesome tattooing was on display everywhere you looked at Red River Exhibition Park. Rich & Sheri Handford and the convention crew ran a tight show, one we look forward to every year. Oh and I know Rich’s MC prowess gave you a few laughs too ! ;P
With Rich at the MC helm, the Winnipeg Tattoo convention has become the ultimate mecca for tattooing for many. Not for being held at a famous beach club, or on a cruise ship…y’know.. But for the quality time spent with one another, the camaraderie and the infamous late night pool party that ultimately gives this convention the “je ne sais quoi” that we crave at the end of summer, before everyone goes back to a “regular day at the office”.

By the way, we really loved seeing artists filling out the “Powered By Eikon Since” stickers we brought along. We’re getting ready to celebrate Eikon’s 30th Anniversary (say what?) and we were stoked to see when you first crossed paths with Eikon. What a bunch of good stories we heard, Amazing!
From soldering needles with Eikon’s original loose needles, to getting your first power supplies and some other interesting tales (you’ll just have to imagine), it was cool to hear you share your beginnings and the funny moments that you experienced along your tattooing journey. We're gonna have a blast sharing some of these stories in the coming months! Don’t forget to post your stickers and memories on Instagram and tag us #Poweredbyeikonsince so we can celebrate with you.
P.S. If you missed the stickers at the show, no sweat, just ask our Customer Service team to pop one in your next order.
Thanks to everyone who swung by the booth. The whole Eikon team had a great time, AND every one of you who stopped by and picked up supplies over the weekend was automatically entered to win an ES500 power supply, custom etched with your design! CONGRATULATIONS to our winner, Chen-Jeh Chen @chenjeh!! (We’ll be sending you an email shortly with the deets!)
We can’t say enough about this year’s show - the level of everything, even the lemonade stand, was top notch… Right Rob? You don’t believe me? Book your booth for next year! If you can make it, you’ll see why people always come back to this one!
Thank you RICH, thank you SHERI, THE WINNIPEG CONVENTION CREW, you guys rock!!!
Onward to Moncton at the end of September and Calgary soon after. See you there!