RIP Keith Stewart - Eikon Customer 00001

Where to begin?
Keith Stewart, owner of Tatouage Artistique, in Montreal, holds a very special place in our hearts - he was more than just the very first Eikon customer, he was a real friend to us over the past 26 years. Keith often visited us here at the shop in Kingston, pulling up in one of his hot rods, and emerging dressed in one of his head to toe Chevy outfits. A visit from Keith was always a great time… those days will be fondly remembered.
Keith and Dan Allaston were the organizers of the Montreal Tattoo Expos in 1993 and 1994, and they ran a great convention - they were way ahead of their time in how they did things. We were actually at those Expos when we were first starting to talk about the idea of Eikon. We had many conversations with Keith who often helped out with testing equipment when we first launched Eikon, and was always excited to see what we’d come up with. Once the company got going, Keith continued to be a big supporter. He always loaded up on products, and we’re pretty sure he bought stuff even when he didn’t need it, just to help out - that’s the kind of guy he was. Whenever he called to place an order and a CSR would ask for his name, he would always reply "Number ONE"- as in the first ever Eikon customer. His shop continues to be a customer to this day...

Keith also continued to pop in for a visit now and then, as shown in this photo taken in 2014 at our old McKay street building with Mack Bregg, another dear friend. One time he showed up at Eikon, parked his souped up Chev in front of the building and strode to the front door... one of the younger staff saw him out the window and said “who’s the guy in the shiny gold lamé pants?” - that was Keith…
Keith was a colourful character, with a very kind and generous heart, we are deeply saddened by his passing, and ever grateful for his friendship and support since our beginnings. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family, his shop team, and all who knew him. He will be sorely missed...
Rest easy Keith