Tattoo Shop Supplies: Surface Disinfectants Edition
Disinfectant Levels, Kill-Times & Options For Keeping Your Shop Safe.
Shop cleanliness has always been crucial in tattooing, and post-pandemic surface cleanliness is still as critical as it was DC (or During COVID…). The products you need and trust to clean your shop are the same products medical professionals and hospitals use to keep themselves, their families and their patients safe. We’ve continued to bring you some of the highest-rated disinfectants available, from quality brands, to help give you peace of mind so you can focus on running your shop.
Please take note, surface disinfectants are not “one-size fits all” - they each have very different properties and applications - we’ve outlined for you what sets each of them apart.

Surface Disinfectant Levels
Before we jump into each of the products we offer, we wanted to help you understand what the levels of disinfectants actually mean. We’re using the Ontario Personal Services Guide as a reference for this article. Requirements vary by region. so be sure to check in with your local health board.
High-Level Surface Disinfectants
High-level disinfectants are capable of destroying or irreversibly inactivating all microbial pathogens, but not necessarily large numbers of bacterial spores.
USE: Primarily used for soaking semi-critical items and items that hold, manipulate, or contact critical items. High-Level Surface disinfectants are not common in tattoo shops, but for those of you who do use them, we've got you covered.
Intermediate-Level Surface Disinfectants
Intermediate-level disinfectants are required for cleaning non-critical equipment, and items that may accidentally come into contact with non-intact skin. An intermediate-level disinfectant is a low-level disinfectant with efficacy against mycobacteria, as well as and destroys vegetative bacteria, most viruses, and most fungi but not bacterial spores.
- All of the Intermediate Level disinfectants we carry are TB (tuberculosis) Kill strength.
- Intermediate-level disinfectants will have a DIN because they’re regulated by Health Canada.
USE: Intermediate-level disinfectants are the type of surface disinfectant most frequently used in tattoo shops, mainly in workstations.
Low-Level Surface Disinfectants
Low-level surface disinfectants destroy vegetative bacteria, and some fungi and viruses, but not mycobacteria, spores or TB. Low-level disinfectants will have a DIN, because they’re regulated by Health Canada.
USE: Low-Level disinfectants are required for cleaning environmental surfaces, non-critical equipment, and items that don’t come directly into contact with non-intact skin.
Surface Disinfectant Options at EIKON
Now that we’ve de-mystified the LEVELS classifications for surface-disinfectants, let’s take a look at the different brands of surface disinfectants we have available to you in the store, starting with our most popular item.
PREempt™ CS20™

PREempt™ CS20™ is a sterilant and High-Level disinfectant that can be used for reprocessing heat sensitive, semi-critical and critical tools that are not suitable for heat sterilization. The active ingredient in CS20 is Hydrogen Peroxide, which breaks down into water and oxygen, reducing its environmental impact. This product is designed for use as a soak, sterilizing tools in 20 minutes! It can be reused for up to 14 days in a soaking tray.
KILL TIME: 20 Minute Sterilization
Availability: Only available in Canada 🇨🇦

Easily the most popular surface disinfectant in our store, Cavicide1 is an Intermediate Level multi-purpose disinfectant and decontaminant that can be used on hard, non-porous surfaces. Available in a spray format, wipes and large 4L jugs, Cavicide is a 1-step solution that is effective at killing a broad spectrum of bacteria (including Tuberculosis), viruses and fungi in 1 minute.
LEVEL: Intermediate
KILL TIME: 1 Minute
Availability: Only available in Canada 🇨🇦
TIP: Hold on to your empty wipes containers, spray nozzles and pumps. These items are still in high demand and can be reused when purchasing gallons and wipe refill packs.
*Be Safe: When refilling containers don’t mix products and be sure to re-label when necessary

PreEmpt is an Intermediate Level 1-Step surface cleaner and disinfectant that uses Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide (AHP ®) technology to safely, effectively, responsibly and sustainably clean hard, non-porous surfaces in the shop. It is the first and only Green Certified product line that provides the best balance of speed of disinfection, spectrum of disinfection effectiveness, cleaning effectiveness, and health, safety and environmental friendliness.
The kill time on this product may be slightly slower than Cavicide1 but what it loses in speed, it makes up for in environmental friendliness.
LEVEL: Intermediate
KILL TIME: 3 Minutes*
*PreEmpt Concentrate has a 5 minute kill time.
Availability: Only available in Canada 🇨🇦
Certainty Medical TB Disinfectant Wipes

NEW from Adenna, Certainty® Medical TB Disinfectant Wipes are specially formulated for rapid disinfection of hard, non-porous surfaces in just 1 minute! These fast-acting, ready-to-use wipes eliminate bacteria, fungi and viruses, including mycobacterium which is one of the most difficult microorganisms to kill.
This product uses the same active ingredients as CaviWipes.
LEVEL: Intermediate
KILL TIME: 1 Minute
Availability: Only available in Canada 🇨🇦